Birthday Cake m&m's - Easter Gift
Birthday Cake m&m's -
Easter Gift
My boyfriend grabbed a little bag of these as part of my Easter gift and, although Candy Blog has a really accurate and thorough review, I couldn't resist the chance to try them for myself.
Unlike the large zip-lock bag that Cybele found, my package is a typical, papery, single-serving portion.
The packaging uses the same graphics and color scheme as the larger bag, which are pretty appealing, but my favorite part of the packaging is it's overall color. That turquoise-y teal background is gorgeous! This color really stands out from the rest of the m&m line and it feels fresh and new. Whenever things get stale over at the m&m plant, they can always count on blue to change things up.
Something that Cybele and I agree on is the confusion behind this birthday cake flavor phenomenon that has been going on lately. Birthday cake isn't a flavor. (Is it Tom Aziz?) What the package shows is a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting, but that might not be the combination people think of when they hear the phrase, "Birthday Cake." Personally, I imagine the standard Funfetti cake mix with white frosting, but you might imagine something completely different. Plus, chocolate cake is meant to taste chocolatey...and m&m's are already chocolate. Am I missing something?
Since I read Candyblog's review, I wasn't surprised by what I found inside the package. These m&m's are larger than the normal milk chocolate variety, I'd say these are about the same size as the Cherry and Raspberry flavored m&m's that were released a few years ago in similar single serve packaging. On top of being bigger, these candies are only in the primary colors. Looking at these reminds me of my days working at a daycare, not birthday parties or cake.
For a while m&m's were coming out with some really interesting flavors, but they all used the white chocolate base. After trying the Pumpkin Spice m&m's last fall I found out why. The milk chocolate flavoring is just too powerful.
I took a bite, and since I wasn't expecting much, I wasn't disappointed. These taste almost exactly like normal milk chocolate m&m's. The only differences being that these are bigger, and there is a slightly sweeter, vanilla-y, aftertaste, but it's pretty subtle.
These candies are just as yummy as a normal pack of m&m's, so it isn't as if these taste bad, they just don't live up to their name or all the marketing hype behind them. Did any of you give these a try? If so, what did you think?
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