Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Wax Cola Bottle Review

Back with a (really short) review of some nifty retro-ish candy!


  1. Whats actually the difference between wax and gummy?
    compared to happy cola from haribo, which are in texture more like gummy bears, are wax sweets more... lets say... more firm? When you chew it is it more like chewing something that kinda tend to stick to every single teeth in your mouth?
    'cause we have some kind of haribo cola bottle versions (coke and cherry) that look very similar in texture to those wax cola bottles but without the filling: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/150924/ljfhc86k.jpg

    Our Srawberries have the same texture as the cherry-coke bottles, but it seems the us version is all "gummy beary" again: https://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server5100/4030hufb/products/613/images/294/IMG_0996__06448.1343801957.1280.1280.jpg

    Thanks again for the review!! :)

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