Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Unreal 54, Candy Coated Chocolates with Peanuts - Target : Cherry Hill, NJ

Unreal 54, Candy Coated Chocolates with Peanuts - Target : Cherry Hill, NJ
These were a little gift from my mother, she saw them on sale during a trip to target and picked up a little bag for me. I have already reviewed two other Unreal candies, and so far I’ve been pretty impressed.

Other reviews:
I love the look of this brand! All of the packaging I have seen so far has used bright, metallic, colors for accents and their signature logo. The first time I ever saw the logo, it thought it looked like some kind of alien language, but it’s actually a really stylized font that says “UNREAL.” (You can read it in the 1st photo when you turn your head to the left.) The black packaging and limited text give this brand an secretive, adult, feel. It’s really different from everything else on the candy shelf, and I love that.

Inside, there are peanut-filled M&M-like candies. Right away you can see the candy colors are intense, but a bit different. Instead of food dyes, this brand uses natural coloring. (So yellow is made with turmeric root, red with cabbage, and so on…) At first, the colors can be a little off putting, because they are a little muddy-colored, but that is only because we are used to the bright colors of food dye. These are also irregularly shaped, and they vary in size.

These smell like a mixture of chocolate and roasted peanuts. I was pleasantly surprised by how strongly these smelled, the peanut aroma is really intense.

When I ate the first piece of candy, I instantly noticed the bold peanut-y taste! When compared to peanut M&M’s, the panned hard candy layer is about the same thickness (maybe a just tiny bit thicker) and the chocolate layer is a bit thinner. This allows the chocolate to quickly melt in your mouth, and allow the roasted peanut to really shine.

While these don’t look as pretty sitting out in a candy dish, I do prefer the flavor of these Unreal candies to Peanut M&M’s. If you love roasted peanuts, give these a try. You won’t be sorry.
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