Eggo Blueberry Cobbler Waffles - BJ's: Voorhees, NJ
Eggo Blueberry Cobbler Waffles -
BJ's: Voorhees, NJ
I really hope these taste good, because in order to try them, I had to commit to a box of 36 waffles. I could be wrong, but I think these were exclusive to wholesale clubs like Sam's and BJ's. I couldn't find anything smaller, have any of you seen these in a more manageable size?
These waffles were posted on The Impulsive Buy's Spotted on the Shelves about a month ago, and I was curious, what makes these different from any other frozen blueberry waffle on the market? Curiosity, and food blogging, got the best of me, and I picked up a box.
First, let me admit that buying this large box of waffles was...not very smart very ambitious. I never thought about all the space these waffles would take! I could only fit so many packages in my kitchen freezer, so I ended up splitting these waffles between three different freezers. The freezer in my kitchen, the old one in my basement, and I even commandeered my boyfriend's. I looked like some kind of crazy waffle hoarder. If you can only buy this flavor in bulk, you're going to need quite a bit of freezer space to even give it a try. (Which isn't a very good marketing move.)
As for the packaging, this box really stood out from the rest of the bulk waffles in the freezer case. It's layout and design are a lot more colorful and detailed than anything else I've ever bought from BJ's, and when the packages are stacked in the freezer, the waffles photos create a continuous design. So all in all, this is some pretty nice packaging, especially for a bulk food item.
The baking instructions were the same as any other freezer waffle, which can be cooked in a toaster or oven. (Do people actually cook freezer waffles in the oven?) I toasted a bunch up, added a pat of butter, some blueberry syrup (which I bought just for these photographs, and you can read that review here) and some fresh blueberries.
Right off the bat, these are thicker and octagonal, so they look different from the classic freezer waffle we all know and love, but these smell the same as the waffles I had growing up.
I tried a bite of waffle that was syrup free, and it was a lot lighter and fluffier than the generic blueberry waffles from Eggo, but the flavoring was pretty much the same. A bite with blueberry syrup was a lot prettier and photo-worthy, but if you've read my syrup review, you'd know that this will not be making anything taste better any time soon. (But it's pretty!) Now, after I took pretty, blog worthy, photos, I added normal pancake syrup, and they tasted like any other blueberry flavored frozen waffle. These have a fluffier texture, but the taste is nothing to write home about.
These Limited Edition Blueberry Cobbler waffles look fancier than normal freezer waffles, so if you're trying to impress someone, you might want to buy these instead of Eggo's normal, round, blueberry waffle, but other than the visual and textural differences, these really taste just like any other waffle on the market.
I think these are on clearance right now, to make room for the bulk boxes of pumpkin spiced waffles (click here for a pumpkin waffle review), so if you love waffles, and have room in your freezer, these might be worth buying. Me? I'll be sticking to smaller boxes of normal blueberry waffles. These just didn't taste different enough to warrant splitting a box between three freezers ever again.
Eggo came first, but those IHOP waffles look a lot more interesting. These are a fancy version of their normal everyday product.