Saturday, February 25, 2017

Caramel Apple Pop-Tarts - Walmart #tbt

Caramel Apple Pop-Tarts - Walmart #tbt 
I know it's not Thursday but...I GOT THE HOUSE! 
I have been working with lawyers, realtors, and banks since the beginning of October to seal this deal and my short sale journey is finally at it's end. We start the closing proceedings next week and then I have to start tackling repairs and cleaning before I can move in, but still...I'll have a HOUSE!
This also means I need to bust through as much of my food-hoarding-stash as I can to lighten my future moving-load, so expect a lot of off-season throwbacks! 
Let's kick off the throwback frenzy with these Pop-Tarts!
The design on the front of the box feels disjointed to me. Why is there all this blue? Why all the squiggles? It makes this feel more "spring" than it does "fall." As disjointed as it may be, the layout is pretty dynamic, and it does catch your eye, so it's a fairly effective design even if it isn't all that visually appealing. 
On the backside we have some awful comic book style panels with food based humor. I want to call them jokes, but they're not really jokes....the humor here is a bit lukewarm, and not as enjoyable as the ones I've seen on other boxes, but I appreciate the cute doodles and that the box is giving me something to read and look at when I am in my usual breakfast-zombie-state.  
Inside we have the usual silver foiled pouches, and for this particular flavor of Pop-Tarts we have a muted tan colored frosting with a bright green squiggle down the middle, and a vanilla pie crust base. Untoasted, the Pop-Tart smells like apple pie filling mixed with my mother's favorite, brown sugar cinnamon Pop-Tarts. We're off to a pretty awesome start!
Up until Fall of 2016, I had been underestimating the power of caramel apple flavored junk food. 
I went in thinking it would taste like an apple Jolly Ranchers mixed with the world's saddest pie crust (we all know no one eats Pop-Tarts for the crust), but this tastes just like those caramel apple Hostess Cupcakes I reviewed a while ago.

The filling has some deeper, more complex, apple notes with an artificial green apple aftertaste, and the caramel flavoring is more realistic than I was expecting. This is the most pie-like Pop-Tart I've ever had. Toasted, the icing layer caramelized very similarly to the brown sugar flavored Pop-Tarts, and the filling feels a little thinner, but it still tastes like apple pie mixed with caramelized apple coffee cake. Overall, this is a greta Pop-Tart!
There's a balance here, between the neon-green fake apple flavoring that dominates junk food shelves, and a deeper aged apple flavoring, kind of like apple butter or apple-based coffee cakes. You'd never mistake this for an artisan-apple pastry, it has far too much of a green-apple-tang to it's aftertaste to pass for anything "real," but you know what? It's great! In the same way those caramel apple Cupcakes were great.

If you're a lover of those cupcakes I mentioned earlier, or those caramel-shrapnel-covered lollipops sold by Tootsie (Which I love, but man, are they ugly), you'll love these. 
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  1. Congrats on getting your house!

    1. Thank you!! I'm very excited, but the long legal-process is far from over. -_-
