Pineapple and Guava Laffy Taffy - Dollar Tree
First those Laff Bites last week, and now these?
Turns out I've been doing this for long enough that I have finally forgotten what items I've reviewed and what I haven't. In my mind I thought I had already written up a bunch of flavors of Laffy Taffy, so I searched for them on my own blog and ended up finding only one post, the fall themed Pumpkin Donut and Apple Crisp flavors they released in 2016. (And last week's Laff Bites of course.)
That's it. How is that possible? I know for a fact I have eaten a ton of Laffy Taffy in my lifetime, maybe not so much in the last 3-years, but still! This is something I should remedy, and thankfully Dollar Tree had this fun tropical peg-bag at the ready.
Oh, and when can peanuts laugh?
When you crack them up! (Guys, the jokes on these are actually a million times worse than the ones on the banana bites. I'm not going to make you suffer through them. That was honestly the best one I could find.)
Inside the bag we only have two flavors, pineapple and guava.
Pineapple (yellow) - looks identical to banana Laffy Taffy, maybe the yellow leans slighter more blue, but one sniff and you know it's pineapple. It has a bright, almost floral, pineapple scent that I love. (Come to think of it, are there any good pineapple candles out there? I might have to take a break from my usual cotton candy and lemon scents to get one.)
Taking a bite, the flavor takes a moment to get started, but after a few good chews you're greeted with a juicy, but creamy, take on tangy pineapple. It's a bit more mellow, and vanilla'd than the real deal, but the flavor profile leans more towards realistic than it does artificial, with some really authentic pineapple flavoring towards the end. I know somewhere on the internet I ranted and raved about coconut Laffy Taffy being the best flavor, although I can't find proof of it anywhere, but pineapple certainly gives it a run for it's money.
Guava (pink) - Unlike pineapple, I am less familiar with guava. I know I have had it before, and had several candies flavored with it, but I can't even remember the last time I ate the real thing. Unwrapped, this has a sweet, slightly musky, tropical scent with a hint of melon. To me, guava is more of a flavor than a scent. It's easy to smell something pineapple and recognize it as pineapple, even when it's super artificial. I don't think you can say the same about guava. If I were to smell this and guess what it was, I think I would say watermelon-lime before thinking guava, but that might be my lack of familiarity with the fruit itself and not a discredit to this candy's authenticity.
Taking a bite, this one gets started right away, chewing definitely brings out more of the flavor, but the second it hits your tongue you can taste tangy, tart. tropical fruity goodness. Does it taste like guava? Honestly it's been so long I can't really speak to it's authenticity like I can pineapple, but it is GOOD. Plus it's significantly different from the pineapple flavoring, so it offers some variety while still being in line with the tropical theme.
This is a great duo, but you know what would make this product perfect? Coconut. If they made a tropical bag with these two flavors, and coconut, I would be buying Laffy Taffy ALL THE TIME. Both of these flavors are bright and tangy, but coconut is so smooth and creamy, it would make for an amazing contrast and would likely pair well for flavor-mixing.
At some point (maybe on our now defunct Candyology101 Podcast) I ranted and raved about coconut Laffy Taffy being the best flavor of all time. I still stand by that. Coconut Laffy Taffy is amazing, but it's insanely hard to find. Last time I saw it was in a Trolls World Tour mix last year. If they added coconut to this bag I would be over the moon. Watermelon can come too, if it wants, but I'm not a big fan since they removed the candy seeds.
Even without coconut, I really loved these two flavors. These are far tastier and interesting than the go-to banana and strawberry flavors Wonka and Laffy Taffy always uses in their holiday mixes. I highly recommend checking out this tropical offering and I hope it's here to stay.
Fans of these would also like: Pumpkin Donut and Apple Crisp Laffy Taffy, Tropical Sour Patch Kids, Pina Colada Oreo Thins, or Pineapple and Lilikoi Hi-Chew
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