Monday, December 17, 2012

Southern Tier Crème Brulé Stout - ???

Southern Tier Crème Brulé Stout - ???
Sorry for the last two updates I missed. I threw a party and that kept me pretty busy. Setting up, cooking, cleaning up….you know how it goes.

This was something my awesome friend Jamie brought to my cookie swap Saturday night. THANK YOU JAMIE!

I had seen this around the internet, but my local liquor shop ALWAYS sold out. The shelf is always clear every time I visited the store! I am not a big beer drinker, but I had to see what all the fuss was about.

The bottle is larger, 1 pint, so I easily shared with everyone at the party. (Not enough for everyone to get a full glass, but everyone who was interested got to give it a try.)

The label was really interesting. I liked how the cows were printed in a pop-art style with a sepia toned palette.The color choices made the bottle have a creamy-feel, although it doesn’t really give me the feeling of crème brulé, it was very alluring.

While the label looks creamy, the beer itself was very dark. Much darker than I thought it was going to be. I don’t know much about beer, I know a lot more about baking, so bear with me. My description of the taste and smell is coming from what I really know about food and baking, not beer and the beer making process. (Which I know next to nothing about.)

The beer had a nice molasses-like smell to it. I love using molasses in my recipes, so I was really excited to try it after that. A lot of other beers I have tried smell…like beer. The generic beer smell I associate with red solo cups and college parties. This, smells much richer.

This dark, crème brulé stout was really smooth. I could detect coffee and molasses notes, and it didn’t have a bitter finish like other beers I have tried.

I was really surprised by this drink, it isn’t enough to convert me to a beer drinker, but I enjoyed it a lot more than any other beer I have ever had.

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