Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fun Dip Valentine Mystery Flavor - Target

Fun Dip Valentine Mystery Flavor - Target 
I could only find this Mystery Flavor Fun Dip in a classroom sharing size, so I now have 24 pouches of Fun Dip in my possession. This may have been a bad decision... These mystery flavors always get me. Let's hope this flavor will be so awesome that my future insulin shots will be worth it. (I kid, but seriously, this is a lot of candy, I gotta find some kids/people to hand these out to.) 
Let's talk about this cardboard box for a second, because it looks really nice, especially for a bulk product meant to be handed out in a classroom. We've got a lovely purple-heavy design with a few splashes of red here and there and plenty of heart-shapes. I really like that they didn't go for the overdone red and pink theme, like the rest of the candies in the aisle, and the use of white space is really refreshing. 
Inside the box are 24 red and purple colored packages of Fun Dip. Even though the packages are different colors, they all contain the same mystery candy flavor. I feel like the mini packets aren't as appealing as the box itself, but they aren't half bad, and there's space to write a little "to" and "from" on the wrapper for school exchanges.
The Fun Dip packages are broken up into two compartments. One skinnier side contains the white candy stick, and the larger packet contains the mystery flavored sugar powder. As far as I can tell the white candy stick is the same compressed sugar candy as it's always been, the only difference is that once side has an adorable Valentine's Day message stamped into it. How adorable is that? Well, it's adorable now. It won't be as cute when it's caked in sugar powder and spit. 
I opened up the powder side of the packet and the stuff inside was pink. Pink is a festive choice for the holiday, but does the pink relate to the flavoring? Or is it just to make it look more Valentine's Day-y? I licked the white stick giggity and dipped it into the powdery side to give it a try. 
Oh wow...I have no idea what this is right off the bat, but I like it. 
It's tangy and a bit citrusy, which makes me think of grapefruit, but that's not a very popular flavor for kids in America, so I don't think that's it. Maybe this is blood orange? It's got a citrusy tang to it, but maybe that's just the citric acid messing with my head. If I had to place a bet, I'd go with blood orange since that seems more kid-friendly, but in my heart I'm hoping that this is actually grapefruit. Either way, this stuff is pretty tasty. 
Thankfully, this Mystery Flavor tastes pretty darn good. I could easily see kids and adults enjoying this tangy citrus-like powder, so handing these out for the holiday should go over really well. Plus, they're pretty nicely portioned. Each of these Fun Dip packets is pretty generous, but they're only 45 calories per packet. (But this is 11g of keep that in mind. You don't want any kids, or me, bouncing off the walls.) All in all this is a pretty solid Valentine's Day candy and it might be worth scooping up if you see it on clearance. 
© Maria Smith
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