Friday, June 17, 2022

Banana-ang on the Drum All Day! - Banana Split Drumsticks

Banana Split DrumSticks

Salt and Straw dropped another really delicious looking ice cream collection, (this one is summer picnic themed), and I decided to go for it. Their Thanksgiving drop was innovative, playful, and most importantly, delicious, so I was pumped. Problem is, I needed to make room in my freezer. I have always liked ice cream, but I never pegged myself as an "ice cream" person. But my freezer begs to differ. 
After some rearranging, I came to realize...I already had a LOT of ice cream. So, get ready for a lot of back-to-back ice cream posts!

Banana Split is a recurring limited edition offering from Drumstick, and I have bought it several times with the intention of reviewing it, only to go through the whole box before I get the chance. Finally, it's time as come.

Banana: The ice cream is light, with a fairly authentic, ripe, banana flavor. Mixed with the chocolate shell, I'm reminded of chocolate covered bananas and banana splits. It's a really yummy twist on the classic Drumstick, and if they sold these on their own year-round, I'd be in trouble. 

Banana Fudge: Exactly the same as normal banana, but this time it has a fudge core. So it's more chocolatey, but just as awesome. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference until you got to the center, but once you do you get banana-fudge-sundae vibes, and who wouldn't love that? If you ask me, this is far superior to the original drumstick. 

Strawberry Fudge: Despite it's bold pink coloring, this is shockingly weak. I can just barely taste strawberry, and what I do detect is kind of Nesquik-y. Not bright and realistic. It took a while before I hit the fudge center, and once I did the chocolate flavoring quickly overpowered the fruity base. I understand why it would be included in a banana split themed box, but it's the weakest flavor of the bunch. It might be blasphemous, since Drum Sticks are known for their fudge cores, but I wish this was another banana cone with a strawberry core instead. I think that, or a maraschino cherry core, would have worked well with the theme and (hopefully) been a bit more flavorful. I would never buy a box of this flavor on it's own, but it doesn't deter me from buying this box again and again just for Banana.    

I love this summery limited edition offering, and am always happy to see it back in the freezer section. If you like banana as much as I do, I think it's the best way to enjoy Drumsticks and would happily buy it year-round. (Even if the strawberry flavor remains as-is.) What's your favorite Drumstick flavor? 

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