Friday, January 7, 2022

Gourmet Cotton Candy - (One Flavor Kicks my Butt)

Carnival Sugar Cotton Candy

These were actually sent to me as a gift, which is awesome, but they were a little worse for wear upon arrival. Shipping things, especially food stuff, is just so chaotic right now. But, they're still good to go, so I'm going to power on through!
Sucker Punch - Sweet lemon flavored cotton candy with a sour topping.

Like promised, the cotton candy base is sweet, sugary, and just a little lemony. Mostly sweet, but this sour topping is the real star of the show. It gives me flashbacks to liquid sour candy I used to buy at Blockbuster in the early 2000's. Just sour enough to make your mouth water, but not sour enough to tear the skin off your tongue, like Warheads. The combination is sweet, tart, tangy, juicy and more realistic than I expected. Kind of like a lemon juice concentrate meets cotton candy. The cotton candy base is nice enough, but it really shines when it's combined. I really like it and I'm not sure I've ever had anything like it. 

Humble Pie - Sweet blueberry pie flavored cotton candy

I like blueberries, I actually have a few blueberry bushes in my backyard, but looking at this gave me flashbacks to the blueberry waffle cotton candy I grabbed at Target that was just...not good. Fingers crossed this one is better!  I can taste butter, blueberry, and sweetness. Maybe even a little hint of maple? It's interesting, because this is meant to mimic a pie, but for me, this is giving me breakfast vibes. THIS is what that other blueberry waffle cotton candy should have been. I don't think eating this is making me think of pie, but it is very delicious, and pairs very nicely with the sour lemon sugar to give me more of a blueberry lemonade kind of vibe. Speaking of waffles...

Belgian Waffle -  No descriptor, but it shows a waffle hugging butter and maple syrup

Oo! This one tastes warm, inviting, like maple sugar candy and butter. It tastes like syrup in all the right ways, and not that crazy thick fake stuff either. I combined some of this with the humble pie, and found that the humble pie really overpowered it. I would need the tiniest bit of blueberry fluff to add to the Belgian waffle fluff to get more of the breakfast vibes I was looking for. Very yummy, and I think this waffle flavor in particular would be very delicious used as coffee sweetener or beverage topper.  

Peach Princess - No descriptor, but pretty safe to say it's going for peach 

Not sure if my taste buds are broken, but this tastes more like maple to me than peach. There is a peach gummy aftertaste, but this reads very breakfast-y to me. It's nice, but I think it might have been altered by being close to the Belgian Waffle flavor.  

Cherry Bomb - Cherry cotton candy with chili extracts (rated at 1 million Scoville units) with a packet of cherry pop rocks. 

This. Wrecked. Me. The concept of spicy cotton candy is new to me, and looking at this cute little cartoon cherry made me think, "this couldn't possibly be that bad." I was wrong. I did not read the descriptor before trying this, and it's just at the border of my spice tolerance. After I chugged about 32 oz. of water and panted like a dog for what felt like forever, I can appreciate the bright cherry flavoring, but the real appeal is the spiciness. This stuff is pretty darn spicy, and the included cherry popping candy is freaking delightful, and very poppy, but there is no way I could ever finish this tub on my own. Even now my lips are still burning. I think this would make a great gift for spice lovers, and a very fun party item to share, or a fun and spicy way to kick boozy beverages up a notch, but it's a little too powerful for my personal snacking. That said, I am still super impressed with it, and will be keeping it in mind for future gifts for my more spice-loving friends. It's a dry, chili, heat that does not quit. 

All of these were really enjoyable, but the novelty items, meaning the lemon with sour powder and spicy cherry with popping candy, are the stars of the show. I love a gimmick, and these are not only fun, but they actually deliver really unique experiences and delicious flavors. If you're only going to buy one, go for Cherry Bomb. It's like nothing I have ever had before, and even though I am still feeling the burn right now, I am just so impressed by it that I keep reaching for it.    

Also a plus, all the stickers remove easily, and cleanly, from the packaging and after a quick run through my dishwasher, I not have tons of handy containers for soups and stocks for my freezer. I'm very pro up-cycle/recycle

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